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Your members rely on you for professional resources, like education and networking.

Further facilitate their career development while strengthening engagement with Higher Logic Thrive Jobs – the career hub that enhances your Higher Logic Community.

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Provide personalized recommendations

Members will conveniently find personalized career recommendations within their feed. And, applying is easy with a continually updated job seeker profile based on their membership profile.

Drive deeper member engagement

As the industry authority, members will spend even more time within your community as you fulfill all of their professional needs, helping your association further demonstrate your commitment and value.

Create a pipeline of non-dues revenue and prospective members

Your association takes a cut of the revenue sponsoring companies pay to post their jobs. Plus, non-members may apply for positions via your job board – generating a new pipeline of potential members.

Ready to see how you can enhance your member experience with Higher Logic Thrive Jobs?

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Ready to thrive?

Time is money when it comes to creating powerful member experiences. See how you can use make the most of it.

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